Payment Protection

With the optional Payment Protection plan, we’ll cover your monthly payments for qualifying, unexpected life events.
helps during medical occurances like child birth
  • Job loss
    Up to 18 months*
  • Hospitalization
    One payment per occurrence*
  • Disability
    Up to 18 months*

helps during family leave


  • Family leave, child birth or adoption
    Up to 3 months*
  • Loss of life
    Balance up to $5,000*
  • Jury Duty
    Up to 3 months*
helps during family leave
*Other restrictions may apply, please see full plan details when you go to sign up.


You must be a cardholder to enroll.

Not a cardholder?

Enroll in Payment Protection when
accepting your mailed offer online

Already a cardholder?

Login to your account to sign up


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Login to check your statements, view program details or change enrollment status.
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Call Payment Protection Customer Service at (866) 857-0573 to activate or check the status of a benefit.

© 2024 HUE Mastercard and First Savings Credit Card, issued by First Savings Bank, pursuant to a license from Mastercard International, Inc.

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